
Baby Sonic Chapter 26

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Knuckles starts sucking away but he did kind of care if he did looked a toddler by drinking out of the bottle.
Cream: I wanna feed the baby his milk Mommy!
She said as she tugged on her mother’s dress.
Vanilla: Cream dear we went over this, Knuckles is not ready yet to be fed by a child, he like it when grown-ups feed him.
Cream: But mommy!
Vanilla: Hmm…
She looks at the bottle and sees it was a quarter away from finishing.
Vanilla: Ok sweetheart, but be very careful. He’s very fragile.
Cream: Thanks mommy!
Knuckles: No!
But Vanilla ignored him as she handed him to Cream.
Cream: Open up Knuckles! Time for milk!
He starts squirming trying to get away from her.
Cream: Knuckles please…
She looked like she was about to cry as Knuckles was still squirming.
Knuckles hated being treated with no say while being treated like a toddler but he always hated to see a girl cry.
Knuckles: Fine…………
Cream: Yay!
She held him just right; not to close so he can breath or not to loose so he would fall.
Cream didn’t even shove the bottle in his mouth or didn’t pull it away from him when he was in a middle of a suck.
Everything was just right.
Vanilla: You’re doing perfectly dear! I’m so proud of you!
Cream: Thank you mommy!
Knuckles actually enjoyed being fed by Cream.
This time.
A few minutes later he finished.
Knuckles: …No more…I’m full…
He said as he placed his big hands on his belly.
Cream: But there's still a little bit left in the bottle!
Knuckles: No…more…
But his relaxing moment didn’t last long.
He quickly looks down and felt pressure between his legs and knew it was coming.
Knuckles: Oh-oh!
Knuckles was about to stop it by placing his hands between his legs to stop the flow but he wetted himself while he still was on Cream’s lap.
Cream: The baby made a messy!
He was so embarrass as he started crying as he pooped a little too.
Cream: Can I clean him up mommy?
She asked with a smile on her face.
Vanilla: It’s fine with me.
Knuckles: NO!
He screamed while still crying.
Vanilla: Its ok Knuckles I’m here to make sure she’s doing it right.
Knuckles just kept screaming no as he was laid on the changing table in the other room.
Vanilla handed all the changing items one at a time as she cleaned him up.
Cream: Thanks mom!
With all of Knuckles’ crying he accidentally woke up Sonic causing him to cry by mistake.
Sonic: AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He cried out hoping she’ll be there to comfort him.
Vanilla sighed and told Cream to wait for her as she went to the crying hedgehog.
Sonic: AMY! AMY! AMY! AMY! AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He cried out as he threw a tantrum in his crib.
Vanilla: Shh…shh…calm down.
She said as she picks him up and cradles him.
Sonic: Where’s Amy…?
He asked as he was still sniffling.
Vanilla: Amy went out for a little bit but I'm here to baby-sit you with my little girl.
Sonic: I want Amy…
He told her looking like he was about to cry again.
Vanilla: Don't cry Sonic, Amy will be home soon.
Screaming again.
Vanilla: I know, I know, please everyone calm down. It’s ok.
She walks over to the phone with Sonic still in her arms and calls Amy’s cell phone.
Without hearing the first ring she picks up the phone.
Amy: Hello?! Are my babies safe?!
Vanilla: Yes they’re fine but Sonic wants you.
Sonic: AMY!!!
Sonic’s mind: Wait…why am I calling for Amy all of a sudden? I was never like this before.
Amy: Let me see my baby!
Vanilla quickly puts the phone to Sonic's ear.
Amy: Sonic are you ok?
Sonic: Where are you Amy?
He asked as he wiped the tears off his face.
Amy: I’m looking at Shadow’s new crib! It’s so cute!
Sonic: Come home!
Amy: Don’t worry sweetie, momm- I mean I’ll come home before dinner time.
Sonic: Please come home soon…
He starts to tear up again.
Amy: Now be a good boy for Vanilla.
Sonic: Okay…
Amy: Ok bye-bye sweetie.
Sonic: Bye-bye...
She hangs up.
Vanilla: See? Amy will be back home shortly. Don’t you worry.
She hangs up the phone and heard a small grumble coming from Sonic.
Sonic: Can I have a bottle now?
Vanilla: Every time dear.
She heated one up in the microwave to the perfect warmth.
Not to hot to put his to sleep but just right to give him the nice warm creamy feeling.
Sonic: Thank you.
He started to drink and enjoyed feeling the warm milk go down his throat.
Vanilla: You’re a hungry little guy aren’t you?
He stops for a second and quickly nodded at her and went back to drinking.
Vanilla: Well drink up as much as you can Sonic. One day you’ll be back on your feet and running though town before you know it.
Sonic: Okay I will.
He drank some more.
Cream: Mommy! Mommy! Looky! I did a good job cleaning the rest of Knuckles!
She held up Knuckles so that Vanilla could see.
Vanilla: Wow Cream you did perfectly!
Cream: Thank you mommy!
Knuckles: Down please.
He demanded with a blank tone in his voice.
Cream: Okay baby!
She sets him down in front of some toys that were spread across the floor.
Knuckles: Thanks.
Cream: You’re welcome baby!
Sonic: Vanilla…I…umm…
She felt a little lump in his diaper as she held him.
Vanilla: Sounds like you need a diaper change.
She sets him on the table and cleans up his bottom just right.
Sonic: Thanks…….
Vanilla: Is everything ok dear?
Sonic: I miss Amy......
Vanilla: Amy will be here in a few hours. Don’t worry.
Sonic: Okay...........
Meanwhile Shadow stayed in his crib so bored out of his mind.
He was so bored in fact that he was ready to scream.
So he did.
Shadow: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cream ran into the room as fast as she could.
Cram: What’s the matter baby Shadow?
Shadow: I'm bored.
Cream: Ok. Umm…what do you want to do?
Shadow: I want out of here.
Cream: Ok!
She takes him out of the crib and held him tightly.
Cream: Hugs make everything better when you’re upset!
Shadow: Let go!
He yelled as he tried to get away.
Cream: Ok!
She sets him down on the carpet.
Shadow: One day you’ll bow down to me and it’ll be you’re pleasure doing so!
Cream: Of course I will!
She said with a cutie voice.
Shadow: Don’t say it like that! I’m your future ruler! Kings and all rulers will be kissing my feet as they enjoy it!
Cream: I know you are!
Saying it in the same voice.
He turns away from her and whispers to himself.
Shadow: When I’m ruler you’ll be one of the first to go.
Cream: What was that baby?
Shadow: Mind your own business!
Cream looked upset again.
Shadow: Entrain me! Now!
Cream: How bout I take you to your brothers?
She wasn’t in the mood to deal with Shadow’s attitude.
Shadow: They’re not my brothers!
Cream: Sorry..........
Shadow: Just get me something to do.
Cream: Play with this!
She gives him a doll.
Shadow: A doll…I’m the luckiest hedgehog in the world…
Being sarcastic about it but Cream didn’t get it.
Cream: I knew you would like it!
He just rolls his eyes.
Vanilla brings the others two boys in.
Sonic and Knuckles were laughing at Shadow for holding a doll.
Shadow: SHUT UP!
He threw the doll and hit Sonic on the forehead.
Sonic: Hey!
Shadow just pouts.
Vanilla: Say you’re sorry and make nice.
Shadow: I’ll say I’m sorry when world peace is declared.
Vanilla just sighed again knowing asking Shadow to say ‘sorry’ wasn’t likely to happen anytime soon.
So she kissed him on the spot where Shadow hit him and sat him down.
Vanilla: You three stay here me and Cream will be in the living room if you need us.
Sonic: Great!
Knuckles: Sure.
Shadow: Whatever.
Vanilla and Cream leave.
Ten minutes passed when they were left alone.
Shadow: I…am…so…bored…
Knuckles: Hey I found a pretty cool toy!
He holds up a transformer toy.
Shadow: When I meant was I want to do something that doesn’t evolve acting like a toddler and play with toys!
Knuckles: What's that supposed to mean?!
Shadow: Nothing that your inferior mind should know.
Shadow: No…I’m saying you’re the brightest one of all…
Sounding sarcastic again but Knuckles wasn’t really on to ball today.
Knuckles: Really?
Sounding happy.
(Hexpineas: He was always the gullible type. Sorry.)
Shadow: Really……
Knuckles: Thanks Shadow!
Shadow just crawled away thinking he didn’t had to deal with stupid people.
Sonic: You dope.
Knuckles: What?
Later that hour.
Knuckles: Uh-oh.
Sonic: What’s the matter Knuc-
He quickly covered his nose once the smell got to him.
Sonic: Agh!
Knuckles started to tear up.
Sonic: Vanilla! Cream! Diaper change for Knuckles!
He shouted as he held his nose.
Vanilla ran into the room followed by Cream.
Vanilla: Phew! Looks like a messy boy needs to be clean!
She picks him up and gently lays him on the diaper changing table.
Vanilla: You’re a strong kind of stinker Knuckles.
She said as she undid the yellow tapes.
Knuckles: Stop making fun of me!
Vanilla: I’m sorry dear, I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry.
She cleans him, snuggles a new diaper on him and set him back down.
Cream: I want to play with you now mommy!
Vanilla: Ok, just let me check the rest of the babies before we go back.
She places her hand between Sonic’s legs.
Vanilla: To see if you’re wet dear.
(Hexpinteas: Parents sometimes do this while their children are sleeping to check to see if they need a change without waking them up.)
Vanilla: Well…you’re not wet.
She turns him around and opens up a tiny bit so she took a small peek so she can tell if he made a poopy.
Sonic: STOP IT!
Vanilla: All clean!
She sets him down and walks towards Shadow.
He crawls away.
Vanilla: I just want to see if you’re wet dear.
Still walking towards him.
Shadow: I'M NOT WET!!!!
Vanilla: Ok Shadow…you win. Just tell me if you need a change.
She leaves with her daughter.
Knuckles: What should we do?
Sonic still looked shocked from Vanilla’s way of checking of diapers.
Knuckles: What's with you?
Sonic: N-nothing…
He shivered.
Knuckles: If you say so.....
Time passes again as they waited in their room.
Shadow: I’m hungry! I demand to be fed!
Sonic: Then go ask Vanilla.
Shadow: You ask for me, that how it works.
Sonic: No! You’re the one who’s hungry! You ask!
Shadow: Once this infant’s curse is off me I’ll show you a world of hurt if you don’t do what I say right here and now!
Sonic: Sure you will…
He said sarcastically to give Shadow a taste of his own medicine.
Shadow growled at him.
Shadow: Fine! I’ll just wait!
Knuckles: For what?
He yelled out with tears in his eyes for Shadow making fun of his race of people.
Knuckles: DIE!!!!!!
He cried as he leaped at Shadow.
Shadow: BRING IT!
They started to punch, kick, and bite each other as Amy opened up the door.
Amy: I’m home! And I-
She quickly saw the fighting.
Knuckles and Shadow ignore her and keep fighting while Sonic crawls up to her so that she won't think that he was part of it.
She grabs both of them and tucked them under her armpits.
He cried as tears flowed out of his eyes as his anger turned into sadness.
Shadow took a huge gulp knowing he was going to get it.
She prepared for another spanking for Shadow and slapped away for it seemed like each spank was for each Echidna ever excised.
But she kept on spanking away without any signs of stopping.
After what seemed like forever Amy finally stopped.
She angrily puts him in Sonic’s crib and picked up Knuckles.
Amy: Let’s clean up those boo-boos of yours. Ok?
Knuckles nodded wiping away his tears.
She took him to the bathroom and cleaned off the blood and placed band-aids on each bite mark and bump on him.
Amy: Do you want kisses for your ouchies?
Knuckles: No......
He looked very depressed as he looked down on his feet.
Amy: What’s wrong sweetie?
She asked as she picked him up and held him close.
Knuckles didn’t say a word; the look at his face said it all.
Amy: You’re really upset on what Shadow said to you, right?
Knuckles didn’t even move a muscle.
Amy: It’s ok. Shadow just a bully. You can sleep with me tonight. Sounds good?
Knuckles: Okay......
He spoke softly.
She sits Knuckles in the playpen with Sonic in the living room to stay away from Shadow.
She clean Shadow up and placed him back in the crib like she before.
Amy: You’re a bad baby Shadow.
Shadow: Whatever. I don’t give a care in the world.
She storms out of the room without another word and walked back into the living room.
Amy: Now you and Sonic play in your new playpen till I’m done with your room.
Knuckles: Okay...........
Sonic: Sure.
Knuckles just crawled away and played by himself as Amy brought in a lot of bags of new things for them.
Including one to many diapers.
Sonic: Wow that's a lot of stuff! Amy went overboard with shopping today! She even bought a new highchair!
Amy kept bring bag after bag after bag of baby things including some old hand-me-down toys from Christ when he was a baby.
Sonic: Hey Knuckles! Look at all the stuff Amy bought!
Knuckles: ………………
Sonic was getting annoyed with Knuckles’ silent treatment.
Sonic: Common Knuckles say something!
Knuckles: ………………
Sonic: Amy!
Amy: I’ll be over in a minute! I’m putting the last bags away.
He yelled from across the room.
Amy: NO!
She puts the rest of the bags away and walked over to Sonic.
Amy: Did you need me?
Sonic: There's something wrong with Knuckles.
Amy: He’s just upset. Go play with him while I start dinner.
Sonic: But I already tried.
Amy: A quitter never wins Sonic. Now play with Knuckles for a bit.
Sonic: Ok. That’s fine with me.
He crawls over to Knuckles and puts on a happy face on.
Sonic: Hey Knuckles!
Knuckles: ………………
Sonic: You wanna play with me?
He just slowly shook his head no.
Sonic did everything he could while Amy was thanking Vanilla for babysitting for her.
Cream: The babies were fun to play with. But Shadow wasn’t all that nice.
Amy: It’s ok Cream. It’s not your fault Shadow is not a nice person to deal with.
She smiled at her for telling her that.
Amy: Let’s see on what how much I should pay you for watch over them.
She said as she got her wallet out but Vanilla stopped her and nicely told her to put her money away.
Amy was confused about why wouldn’t she want to get paid.
Vanilla: Cream had a nice time here and watch over these babies brought back some old memories about my Cream when she was a baby. That’s payment for me.
Amy: Are you sure?
Vanilla: I’m sure. Thanks for the day. Come on Cream, say your goodbyes and we’ll be on our way.
Cream: Ok mommy!
She hugged and kissed everyone her heart out to give them lots of love to last till she come for another visit.
Amy called Edna again and asked if someone can give Vanilla and Cream a ride back to the mansion.
Edna said that will be fine and they’ll be over in half an hour.
Amy said thank you and hung up the phone.
Vanilla and Cream left after half an hour when their ride was there and left back to the mansion.
I know...I all hate me for taking SO LONG to put a new chapter up.... :stab:
But here's the new chapeter! :aww:
And I already know what you're thinking...
"Why isn't it on :iconvglgvn:'s account?"
Because when I tried to sent it to him not all of it went through. :crash:
Sorry V. :(
And my computer is still dead so I'm useing the school's computer for now. :tombstone:
Well enjoy the new chapter! :aww:
© 2009 - 2024 hexpinteas
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dashieshipper's avatar

Sonic gets a gold star for not being aggressive